“Always treat your employees exactly as you want to treat your best customers.”-Stephen R Covey

Hardworking and dedicated employees are the life and blood of every successful business. We strongly believe that a happy employee contributes towards a happy and satisfied customer and therefore, all throughout the employee journey, we motivate and encourage our employees through regular employee engagement.

We have been in the Accounting and Bookkeeping Outsourcing business for more than 10 years and during all these years we have served both our employees and customers with the best possible services.

Here are our few employee journeys in their own works that will help you get better insights on the way we work!!


During my work experience at Outbooks Limited, I was fortunate enough to have experienced first-hand and learned, many different sides of what goes into a delivery, the general process of how any delivery is initially planned and completed; as well as how much work and detail goes into every stage. Another valuable lesson I have learned during these 17 months, were the many different types of work an Accountant has to perform, which in turn, have provided me with more insight into the different types of roles and responsibilities that I could perform, as an Accountant.

Reflecting back to my initial joining period at Outbooks Ltd, it was one of the most memorable time at work. After being introduced to everyone and the process that they were following, I was handed a new process to work on, in which they had asked me for recommendations to improve certain aspects of the process wherever I see fit, as well as my opinions on the process as an entirety. They were very open and happy for me to contribute as much as I wanted to, and were open to any suggestions and ideas. This instantly made me feel comfortable and definitely made me feel as though I was part of the team.

During the first month of work completing the initial tasks, I was overwhelmed by the work and the responsibilities that were placed on me, but with the help of my supervisors and the directors, who have had years of experience in the industry, I felt more confident and supported as I knew my work would be double-checked and any uncertainties were explained. By observing and learning from them, I managed to pick up tips and learned different types of skills, from learning to communicate and deal with other companies, to reading and deciphering many different types of plans.
Throughout my tenure, I also had worked on different clients and accounts. This is another aspect of accounting which I was glad I had the opportunity to experience. This was probably the most enjoyable part of my entire work experience at Outbooks because I felt uplifted to get new opportunities and to actually see the work that I was working on in theory, brought to real‐life. This helped me to understand just how important each stage of a process really is. There were many days that were busy where a deadline had to met or a client might need something completed urgently, and these days were stressful to the point where there were times I did have to stay back to get the work done. This in some ways reminded me a lot of my late night working at my previous job and how even in the workplace, it did not change. The work that I had to complete varied day‐to‐day depending on the client or account I was handing. As I was handing Adhoc or new clients, this helped me learn more about the company as a business itself and I felt like I had an input into the development of the growing company.
Overall, my work experience at Outbooks was positive. I was very happy with the number of things that I have learned and experienced in the 17 months of being an account manager with the company.


It was mid of December 2018 when I joined Outbooks. I have been appointed as Account Finalization Manager and somewhere I knew that challenges come with the designation, but my level of excitement was sky-high. The people of Outbooks made me feel comfortable and welcoming. I believe in giving the best out of you and that’s what I did. I tried to make a balance of everything and that satisfy my clients. I have learned how to develop good relationships with clients and found myself in a position where I have expanded my knowledge to answer client queries. Day to day talks with clients boost my confidence and I feel more confident now. My team and I got appreciations from the clients for the excellent service that we severed in the past year, which inspired me to grow. I have completed more than a year in the organization and not only I have grown as a professional but also as an individual.

I would like to be recognized as an expert in the Accounts sector in this organization in the next 5 years. My aspiration would include working with a large sector of clients in India and the UK. I would like to be known for my work and be top in the list in the coming years.

Ashok Sharma

It was a cold December winter day when I joined Outbooks India. The weather had taken a toll on my health, but the mercury level of excitement was sky-high, and the warm and friendly welcoming team made me feel comfortable. In the next couple of weeks, I realized I belonged to a super-talented team. From there the journey started under the guidance of my manager.

With baby steps, I completed 11 years in this organization, and not only have I grown as a professional but also as an individual. I consider myself fortunate enough to have encountered such talented, inspiring, and enthusiastic leaders, whom I’ve always found committed to excellence.

From this temporary role, I progressed to Assistant Account Manager putting my existing managerial experience to use & today I am working as a Sr. Account Manager.

A career takes the highway when motivation is in the driver’s seat. It was my manager who motivated me always. I believe the key to success in the corporate workplace lies in self-motivation and a focused approach towards an individual goal. In the last few years, the driving factor in my career has been a passion for my work and very positive work culture.

I’d like to expand my horizons by jumping in feet first and learning as much as I can, as quickly as I can, with the organization. I would like to continue my journey with Outbooks & wants to see myself to be a part of top management in the coming years so that I can share my experiences for the growth & deployment of Outbooks as a whole.

At last but not least ”every day is a learning day” so give your best in whatever you do and what you deserve will be served.

Summing Up:

Employees are the unappreciated heroes behind every successful business and they deserve their fair share of appreciation.

Outbooks value their employee’s contribution and wish them to grow even more as we continuously try to build long-term relationships with them.
